Earn money online with Speedyads: Get 5$ free advertising credit
A contextual advertising network by Entireweb called Speedyads.Speedyads is PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising solution for both advertisers and as well as publishers who can make money by displaying relevant ads on their websites or blogs.On registration,it gives access to both the advertiser as well as the publisher account.You can sign up for free and the registration process is very easy and quick.
Number of impressions received by the ad campaign
The website publisher can easily transfer the money earned from advertising as a publisher to their advertiser account which makes it fairly unique,as this service is not provided by the Online advertising giant "Google"and other advertising companies.Entireweb provides graph data for advertising activity and makes it very easy for advertisers to monitor their ad campaigns.The 5$ free advertising credit can be very useful to test their service and as far as their reach is concerned, they gave me very good results with advertising service and you can advertise for very cheaply through Speedyads and the best part about their service right now is that they are doubling the advertising deposit made right now.So if you want to get your hands on cheap and good advertising you can instantly sign up on their website and double your deposit made in the advertiser's account.
Speedyads has all the important Ad formats which are mostly used by the website publishers and its one page ad setup option is also very useful which gives all the option in one page like choosing ad format,altering colours.
A view inside publisher's account
Speedyads also has an option of blocking ads which might be of offensive nature to people.It provides some of its suggested colour schemes for ad formats.The publisher account also keeps track of traffic to which the ad is visible and provide a graphical distribution of traffic according to countries.
Speedyads has only PPC options for advertisers as well as publishers and Pay-Per-Impression has not been provided by them as yet.The advertising network can be very handy for website publishers after Google Adsense which continues to be the leader till now in PPC.Speedyads also lacks affiliate program which makes the advertisers and publishers reluctant to promote it as it will not be able to make money for them.Speedyads can help the website owners make more money from their website and it promises to be a good earning option,in case you want an alternative for Google Adsense.
Number of impressions received by the ad campaign
The website publisher can easily transfer the money earned from advertising as a publisher to their advertiser account which makes it fairly unique,as this service is not provided by the Online advertising giant "Google"and other advertising companies.Entireweb provides graph data for advertising activity and makes it very easy for advertisers to monitor their ad campaigns.The 5$ free advertising credit can be very useful to test their service and as far as their reach is concerned, they gave me very good results with advertising service and you can advertise for very cheaply through Speedyads and the best part about their service right now is that they are doubling the advertising deposit made right now.So if you want to get your hands on cheap and good advertising you can instantly sign up on their website and double your deposit made in the advertiser's account.
Speedyads has all the important Ad formats which are mostly used by the website publishers and its one page ad setup option is also very useful which gives all the option in one page like choosing ad format,altering colours.
A view inside publisher's account
Speedyads also has an option of blocking ads which might be of offensive nature to people.It provides some of its suggested colour schemes for ad formats.The publisher account also keeps track of traffic to which the ad is visible and provide a graphical distribution of traffic according to countries.
Speedyads has only PPC options for advertisers as well as publishers and Pay-Per-Impression has not been provided by them as yet.The advertising network can be very handy for website publishers after Google Adsense which continues to be the leader till now in PPC.Speedyads also lacks affiliate program which makes the advertisers and publishers reluctant to promote it as it will not be able to make money for them.Speedyads can help the website owners make more money from their website and it promises to be a good earning option,in case you want an alternative for Google Adsense.
think i will try it...
I am already a member ...It works great ..lots of impressions and many clicks to my site...
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